Opening Up The Cabinets (early holiday prep list!)
Suddenly it’s November and all of the winter holidays are rushing at us full force! I will never understand how one day it still seems to be summer, and the very next, Thanksgiving and beyond. It always comes up so quickly, even though we have the entire year to prepare. The holiday season is just one great whirlwind - a rush - and whether we love it or despise it, most of us cannot escape it - so the better that we are able to adapt to the commotion (or festivities), the better off we will be in general to handle the season. A few preparations before the fact will help to manage the onslaught of family gatherings, parties and everything social that the season seems to insist upon.
Opening up the dining room cabinets to take stock of what may be needed for the upcoming holiday season
With the holidays in mind - and that means entertaining and company and perhaps a jolt to our ususal, personal routine - I take a deep breath and head full force into the storm. Realizing that the nearly six week whirlwind of festivies will require a bit of forethought and planning, I first go to the dining room cabinets and open them up to see exactly what I have. It’s actually one of the more ‘fun’, or interesting aspects for me - just to look through the crowded hutch in order to get an idea of what dishes, glasses, and serving pieces that I wish to use. As an ‘inheritor’ of many family pieces no one else seemed to want - and as a collector, in general - I am at no loss for unique and beautiful items to set my holiday tables. So opening up the ‘cabinet of wonders’ is always a pleasurable part of planning the holidays - mostly because I always find some forgotton dishes, or other serving ware that invariably brings back fond memories of parties past, and years long gone.
Finding the right pieces for a table setting or party is a personal choice for the host. Perhaps there are not many variations available - and that is just fine. As we all know, the gathering itself and the people with whom you are with are the true importance to any holiday festivity. But if you can make things ‘pretty’, or at least feel a bit more special than an ordinary, run-of-the-mill day, then by all means you should; the extra attention provided to even the smallest of party details will surely be noticed - and appreciated - by your guests. The winter holidays in particular seem to just beg us to provide our finest effort to welcome friends. And whether that be with fine china and flickering candles, or blinking lights and mismatched plates - it really does not matter - as long as the atmosphere that is created is one that will make your guests feel not only comfortable and relaxed, but welcome and special.
So the best advice that I can give to anyone who may be hosting any type of get together over the next few weeks, is to just take a few moments to plan. Once the decision is made to host a party and the invitations are sent out, then a game-plan must be made. The most sucessful of parties - from small dinners to elaborate events - are ultimately relaxed affairs. And that means not only for the guests, but for the host as well. There is nothing worse than having a house full of people and finding yourself running around at the very last minute trying to find serving platters or dishes, or to realize that you dont have enough glasses or napkins. Worse yet, finding that there is not enough food or drink (always have on hand more than you think you may need - and if you find yourself with any extras at the end of the night, your guests will surely not mind taking a few treats home with them). Just remember, a well intentioned evening can easily go very wrong, or at least cause unnecessary frenzy when not thoroughly thought through in advance. Jotting down notes of ideas, shopping lists, and other thoughts as they come to mind in the calm of the pre-party days always proves to be highly beneficial when planning nearly any type of event or party; an organized host is a relaxed host.
Shelves of dishes, glassware and other serving pieces are ready for holiday entertaining
And that is why I am now opening up my cabinets to take a look around - to more or less take a count of what I have and what I can use. We are hosting Thanksgiving here this year, so that day will be the first ‘holiday’ event, or party of the season, and I would rather start to prepare for it now than to be caught off guard later. I will pull the plates, the glassware, and any serving pieces that I wish to use. And depending upon which dinnerware that I end up selecting, I will then choose the napkins and other subsequent items - getting everything reading in advance. I also make sure to have any extra pieces that I may need handy - such as serving dishes, ice buckets, or bowls for nuts and candies, which I always place around the house for those wishing to indulge (our vintage silverplate is usually the go-to for this purpose).
The bottom line when hosting any type of a party is to pre-plan. All parties should be fun, but often times they become stress-filled occasions where food is still being cooked at the last minute, someone is running out to the store because the liquor has run out far too early, and the affable host is now anything but because guests are grumbling and complaining that they are both hungry and thirsty. Yes, the expectations and demands at this particular time of the year run especially high, but they can be tamed with some simple awareness and forethought. And enlist some help, by all means (always a good thing!). With just a little bit of effort, and some well-thought-out planning, any type of a party - even a holiday party - can run smoothly and peacefully without calamity or commotion for either guest or host. To be relaxing in one’s own living room with cocktail in hand, chatting to friends and laughing without worry of what must be done next, or that which may or may not be burning in the oven, is surely a sign of a successful evening. Just take a deep breath, dive in and enjoy!
Until next time…