Brave New World
There are times throughout our collective history that have shown us all just how difficult a particular struggle may have been, and how determination and resilience and effort have always advanced the common good and defeated the enemy. Our current days are no different. We may be in a battle the likes of which none of us has ever experienced before, but with our combined determination and much hard work, we too will push back this new foe and find greater strength and better times in the days ahead.
Scientists and medical experts have long feared, and warned of a global pandemic, but for the average citizen, these particular thoughts were perhaps only the makings of a Hollywood movie, or nightmare. Sadly, and vividly so, our worst nightmare has now become our new reality. The days we are living are tense and sad and uncertain. But somewhere within all of those dark clouds of stress, there truly is a silver lining. I will not venture so far as to say exactly what that ray of hope may be, but I will tell you that it is there and that it will surface and that we will be a better country, and indeed a better world, for having endured.
The collective ordeal that we are globally experiencing will one day begin to fade, and will then ultimately become our history. As human beings, no matter how we handle or experience this moment in real time, those of us that make it through this crisis will come out as changed people. And I truly believe that the change will be for the better. Who among us is not keenly aware of the necessity of strong leadership at times such as this, or of how the lack of such leadership can prove to be so devastatingly dangerous? How is our economy and our health care system working, and for who is it that they are either working for, or against? Have we not all seen the global images of what our world environment looks like with all of us taking a bit of a break from the harm that we generally cause to the environment on a daily basis? And who among us has not regularly seen the true heroes of our time - the medical personnel and front line workers who are selflessly putting their own lives in danger to save the rest of us? These images will remain with us indefinitely and they will ultimately assist us in exactly how we choose to think about our future behaviors, reactions and responses.
Our Brave New World
When we eventually travel past this current time, there will be many questions. And those questions will need to be answered. From that knowledge, better things will come. The nature of human beings is to persevere and to move forward, not backwards. We have always evolved, and will continue to do so, even through what are some of the most difficult times that any of us have ever known in our lifetimes. Generations before us have survived many life-altering experiences, including pandemics and wars. History can teach us all what we need to know about strength, resolve and determination. If we just take a moment to listen, to remember, to clearly think, and to take in the facts of our current time without succumbing to the self-serving voices that are trying to distract us, we can not only face the reality of that which we have been thrown full force into, but we can then also handle the moment, and do what is expected of us so that we can ride the storm fully through. Yes, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, but only if we do not ignore the warning signs posted along the highway that are signaling us to practice caution.
A moment like this truly takes a village to overcome the hardship and the pain. Together, collectively making our very best effort to do what is needed, we will indeed get through this. Better days and better times are certainly ahead. Please do take care of yourselves, and your families. Remember to check in on those that are older, or may be alone or in need of particular assistance. Practice your very best social distancing techniques always. And be especially mindful and kind - because we all need an extra large dose of common sense and thoughtfulness right about now to see us through these very unsure days. With some luck and effort, armed with knowledge and fortitude, tomorrow will surely be the start of a brave new world, or at least the hard-earned attempts to acknowledge a better one…
Until next time…